RVs Versus Other Vacations: Save Big!


Have you been thinking about going on a vacation sometime soon? Want to travel without breaking the bank? Did you know that you can save some big bucks when you use a camper instead of using other vacationing methods? Hotels, plane tickets, cruises, etc. can really add up. However, when you use an RV or camper, you save quite a bit in the long run!

“A study conducted by CBRE Hotels Advisory Group has found that RV vacations cost much less than other types of vacation travel, even when factoring in fuel prices and the cost of RV ownership. According to the study, commissioned by Go RVing and the RV Industry Association, there are cost savings of 21-64% for a four-person travel party, while a two-person travel party saves 8-53%, depending on factors such as the type of RV and type of vacation.” (RV Industry Association Staff, 2018). That is some HUGE savings! Not only can you get the traveling done that you want, meet other fellow campers along the way and get connected, but you can also do it while not hurting your wallet!

To break things down even further this is how the CBRE study analyzed the vacation costs. They broke it down based on the number of campers. So, they made two groups: (1) 4-person family (2 parents, 2 children) and (2) two adults (partners love to travel together). On top of this, they broke it down even further by identifying the types of travel and how much these two groups can save depending on the units they chose.

Savings Results From The Study:

For a 4-person party:

  • Folding camping trailer: 50 – 64%
  • Lightweight travel trailer: 31 – 50%
  • Compact motorhome: 31 – 50%
  • Type C motorhome – 21 – 43%
  • Type A motorhome – 41%

For a 2-person party:

  • Folding camping trailer: 43 – 53%
  • Lightweight travel trailer: 20 – 34%
  • Compact motorhome: 20 – 34%
  • Type C motorhome: 8 – 24%
  • Type A motorhome: 19%

Well what about today, right? We’ve reached 2020 already and a lot has happened! Don’t you worry! You can still save! In the book, See You at the Campground, A Guide to Discovering Community, Connection, and a Happier Family in the Great Outdoors written by Stephanie & Jeremy Puglisi, you will read first-hand experiences of why camping vacations are the best vacations! They’ve traveled alone together as well as with their children, are both teachers with not much disposable income, and provide some great insights! Here are some:

  1. You Do Save – “As we’ve tracked our expenses over the years, we’ve found that this is absolutely accurate for our travel budget. Even if we splurge on some resort camping experiences and a couple of meals out, our camping vacations remain about half the total cost of other family travel that we do throughout the year” (Puglisi and Puglisi, 2020). What this is in reference to, is the CBRE study mentioned above.
  2. Fellow Campers Are Social Butterflies – We need a connection. Especially during these uncertain times with the Covid-19 public health crisis. People are craving human connection and nothing beats the neighborly feeling like a campground. People come together, make new friends, and make so many memories that are priceless!
  3. Campgrounds Have A Lot To Offer – Renting a lot space at a campsite will cost you some, but you get what you pay for. A lot of campgrounds have TONS of games and activities for singles, couples, families, and children! Some include pools, beaches, fishing spots, kayaking, hiking, sport tournaments, carnivals, parades, trivia, dances, and much more! Have you checked out Blue Haven Campground’s Event Calendar yet?
  4. Nothing Can Match The Camping Experience – Campfires, roasting marshmallows and stargazing. You can’t get this same experience back at home or at a hotel.
  5. Canine Campers Are Allowed – Another good point from the Puglisi’s, campgrounds are usually pet friendly. You can save money by bringing them along with you on your travels rather than hiring a sitter!
  6. Bring Whatever You Want With You – It really is your home away from home. Before you depart, you can bring your groceries, clothes, and other essential items with you and store them the way you want! This will help you save so much in the long run!
  7. Getting Outside – Last but not least, you know the Puglisi’s are right…we need more outdoor time. Everyone knows how much screen time we’re getting indoors. When you go camping, you’re so immersed in nature you won’t want to leave! Bring what you need with you! Bikes, roller blades, fishing poles, kayaks, sports gear, whatever you want! You’ll want to spend the time outdoors and the more time outdoors the more health benefits there are! Not only will this decrease your stress levels but also provide you with more vitamin D, give you better energy levels, help with sleep, and of course more fresh air!

Want a vacation? Want to save? Reach out to us today by calling or texting us at (518)-563-1983! At Plattsburgh RV Store, Experience The Difference!

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