A Guide To Safe Outdoor Activities


#GetOutside with These Outdoor Activities

Getting a bit stir-crazy indoors? Have no fear, the outdoors are still here! Now, this doesn’t mean you can go doing a bunch of group activities outdoors. However, you can still enjoy some wonderful outdoor activities with your family and friends while practicing social distancing. We’ve compiled numerous activities to help you think of fun new ways to get outside, go on an adventure, and most importantly, create amazing new memories during this time of uncertainty.

Whichever activity you do, share it with a photo and add the hashtag, #GetOutside! We love hearing from you and the adventures you go on! You can share your adventures with us through our Community page on Facebook or you can email your photo and story to Amanda Leonard at afl@plattsburghrvstore.com! With your permission, we would love to share your social distancing adventures with other fellow campers on our social media channels and on our blog.

Minimize Contact

Generally, walking, running, hiking and activities like this are easy to do to maintain social distance when you’re going solo or with those in your household. However, doing sports or outdoor activities like this in groups, out of the questions. Remember, 10 people or less and six feet apart. According to Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly from person to person, mainly through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. Spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). COVID-19 seems to be spreading easily and sustainability in the community (“community spread”) in many affected geographic areas. Community spread means people have been infected with the virus in an area, including some who are not sure how or where they became infected.”

When you’re not sure of an activity, just think and ask yourself, “How close will I need to be with others?” and “Will we be touching the same things?”. The more often surfaces and objects are used, the more risk you’re introducing for disease spread. Maybe it is best to cut some activities out and add some new ones to the list!

Before going outside, be sure to wash your hands before you leave and bring everything that you might need with you so you don’t need to share with others or go to a store when you’re out. You can pack snacks with you, bring a water bottle, and so on. Also, similar to this, try to keep away from public restrooms or other shared facilities the best you can.

When you are out and about and enjoying the outdoors, avoid touching shared surfaces and most importantly, don’t touch your face. For example, do you need to cross a cross walk at some point? Hit the cross walk button with your elbow. Need to grab something in a store? Wear gloves and be sure to wash your hands after use and be sure to wipe the product you purchased off the best you can.

Spread Out

The Adirondacks bring in many travelers from around the world! It’s a beautiful sight to see and something people have on their bucket list! In recent weeks, officials in outdoor tourism hotspots have made calls for travellers to stay home. Hospital executives in the outdoors-centric Moab, Utah-area expressed concern over the impact of tourism: “As a 17-bed critical access hospital, we have no ICU and minimal capability to care for critical respiratory patients. Additionally, we are now concerned that tourism will drive the spread of SARS-CoV-2.”

Even the best travelers will need to stop for food and gas and want to bring there campers to their favorite campground (Blue Haven Campground, right?). At this time, its better to stay local and to be sure you’re taking little to no stops during your travels. When you do travel, plan your route carefully. Avoid busy areas, try using back-roads, and bring everything you need with you. I know sometimes we forget something back home once you hit the road. To prevent this from happening, it’s a good idea to create a departure checklist. Gather everything you will need and then go through your list to double check everything.

Need some activities?

Are you trying to find another hobby during this time? Want a new activity to try out? Check these out and be sure to #GetOutside and share your adventures with us. Remember, 6 feet apart, avoid shared surfaces and objects, and bring everything you need!

  • Favorite Box – Get a box (shoe box, an old Amazon delivery box, etc.) and go on an adventure collect what stands out to you! Collect your favorite rocks, shells, acorns, twigs, and so on. Once you gathered everything, get creative and crafty and create something out of it when you get back indoors!
  • Bird Watching – Learn more about the bird species in your area! Birding is always a fun popular activity to pick up!
  • Create an obstacle course – Your world is your playground! Have fun with it and use things like chalk, hula hoops, tunnels, tape, and so on.
  • Slackline – Try this out for your obstacle course or go at it alone. Strengthen your balance skills!
  • Garden – You can’t go wrong with playing in the garden! Try out some new flower, herbs, whatever you’d like!
  • Create a Fitness Challenge – Do you like to workout? Want to mix things up? Create your own program indoors or out! Make a loop outdoors where you can for a certain amount of time/distance, add in jump ropes, sit-ups, push-ups, kayak, or maybe parents vs. kids workout challenge! The sky is the limit!
  • Bubbles – Who doesn’t love playing with bubbles? You can create your own bubble mix from home too!
  • Potato Sack Races – Have the kids use older pillow cases for some racing fun!
  • Ride a Bike – Avoid busy areas and try out some new biking spots near you!
  • Go For A Hike – The Adirondacks is home to 46 high peaks plus many other mountains! You can’t go wrong with a good hike.
  • Go Fishing – Fishing for some fun? How about casting the line and have a fish fry later?
  • Camp – Camping in the backyard or in areas that you’re able to is still a great fun option! Plus, Blue Haven Family Campground and Resort, is still planning on being open for camping season for May 1st. Stay up-to-date with us on our website, social media channels, and through our company newsletter for more updates on opening plans.
  • Walking on Trails – People are taking advantage of the outdoors so remember to be mindful of the safety and health of others when you go walking/running on the trails.

We hope you have fun out there and stay safe. Be sure to share you #GetOutdoors with us! At Plattsburgh RV Store, Experience The Difference.


We’re currently closed but have our team working remotely for you! If you have any inquiries about Parts & Service, please email John Momot at jm@plattsburghrvstore.com and for inquiries regarding Sales & Financing, please email John LaBarge at jl@plattsburghrvstore


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