Priority RV Network App

Do you have the Priority RV Network App?

“The Priority RV Network provides Superior Value, Nationwide Service from the Best RV Dealers in the World. We have 126 locations throughout the USA! And, with our emergency service partnership with 72 RV Care dealerships in Canada, we have the largest emergency service network of dealerships in North America.” – Priority RV Network (PRVN)

When you purchase your camper at a Priority RV Network, like us, you have access to many of the PRVN services and benefits! What happens if something goes wrong with your camper while on the road? Are you prepared to do your own maintenance? No worries! You can count on Priority RV dealer’s emergency service program. When you purchase your camper from us and are traveling more than 100 miles from home and you have a major maintenance problem prohibiting you from staying overnight or traveling, you will be put to the front of the line for service! In case you need to use the emergency service program or your stuck in a sticky situation and need some help, the Priority RV Network app can come in handy!

The Priority RV app lists all their dealer locations in the United States and Canada. When you open the app, you can see these locations or go through the list of states to find the closest dealer to you or any that you’re looking for. You can use this app to email, call, get directions, and visit the dealer’s site. It is convenient, up-to-date, and will help you so much this camping season! Download it today!



Have any questions?

Give us a call or text at 518-563-1983

Visit our Parts & Service location at 240 Tom Miller Road in Plattsburgh, NY

Come see our beautiful Indoor Showroom at 60 Trade Road in Plattsburgh, NY

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