Hiking in the Adirondacks

Like to hike? Hear are tips when it comes to hiking the Adirondacks:

  1. If you’re new to hiking, start small.
    • There are so many different kinds of mountains in the area so start slowly and carefully. Below is a table that was created of the Adirondack 46ers (1 = highest in elevation and 46 = lowest in elevation). Click on the image to see an enlarged version!46ers table
    • There aren’t just these though! There are plenty of hiking trails nearby and other smaller yet adventurous mountains to explore.
    • Some close by are Rattlesnake Mountain, Poke-O-Moonshine, Point Au Roche, and many more! Blue Haven Campground neighbors some beautiful trails and mountains that need some exploring!
  2. Get familiar with the trail!
    • If it is a new trail, get a map of the area! Find to see if there are shortcuts, if it leads to other trails, or if there are important weather or trail updates for that area.
  3. Check the weather!
    • As mentioned in the previous bullet, know what the outdoor conditions will be like when you hike. It’s good to know what to wear in these scenarios.
    • If it has been raining a lot be cautious or plan a different day to hike (mud warnings).
    • Know what type of shoes to wear!
    • Should you bring an extra layer of clothing?
  4. Tell someone where you’re going!
    • Many hiking spots will have a log for you to sign in, use it!
    • Even if you sign it, tell someone where you’ll be, You never know what could happen so it’s always a good idea to have someone else in the loop.
  5. Pack your essentials (this will vary depending on how long of a hike you’ll be taking).
    • Navigation items: map and compass
    • Protection: Bug spray, sun screen, hat, glasses.
    • Clothing: (weather check) an extra pair of socks, jacket, etc.
    • First-aid kit
    • Food and water
    • Fire: matches, fire starter, candle, etc.
    • Flashlight
    • Emergency shelter (i.e. tent, tarp, garbage bag, etc.)
  6. Try to hike during the day time (when it is light outside).
  7. Keep a good pace
    • Try not to rush
    • Breathing is important between steps (find a rhythm).
    • Read your body – if you’re tired, stop, rest and recuperate.
  8. Try not to walk on areas you’re not supposed to
    • Follow the trail ONLY
    • Avoid stepping on flowers, grass, and habitats.

If you’d like more information on hiking the Adirondacks check out some of these links listed below:

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