Plastic Bag Ban Starts March 1st!

NYDEC Announces Plastic Bag Ban!


The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has been keeping us well up to date on activities, trends, events and much more! One thing they recently updated us on was the new plastic bag waste reduction law that will take effect in New York State on March 1st, 2020!

Did you know that New Yorkers use more than 23 BILLION plastic bags a year? That’s too many! Also, that is around 1,000 per person annually! When we dispose these bags, many of us aren’t doing this correctly which just creates more pollution and they often are seen stuck in trees or floating in our waterways. Not only that but they pose a large threat to fish and wildlife, clog machinery at recycling facilities, and litter the outdoor places that we love and enjoy spending time in with our friends and family.

So what can you do? Whether you’re going to the grocery store, shopping for clothes or a gas station, make sure to bring a reusable bag. You don’t need to wait until March 1st either! Start taking actions today! You can bring your reusable bags to the store ahead of the ban to build a new and positive habit! Remember, when you bring a reusable bag, you’re  conserving natural resources, creating much less litter, and keeping New York beautifully kept for our future generations.

Plus, stores that are covered under the NYS Plastic Bag Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Act will still be required to collect plastic bags and other film plastics from consumers for recycling. Film plastics can include items such as bread bags and plastic wraps that come over cases of water, paper towels and other similar items. Consumers can help by continuing to recycle these items at participating retailers.

Remember, it only takes one person to make a difference. Be a person that helps New York stay beautiful, clean and full of life for the many next generations to come! Do you have any questions about the upcoming plastic ban? Feel free to email your questions to

Stay in touch with us for more NYSDEC updates, tips, recipes and much more!

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Sunday: Closed

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Saturday: 9am – 4:00pm
Sunday: Closed


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