Latest News
All of your current Plattsburgh RV Store or Blue Haven Campground news can be found here.
Find current sales programs, hints and tips, campfire recipes, and much, much more.
Blue Haven Status Update:
ROADS - The gate is now UP and all roads are closed until Spring
RESERVATIONS are being accepted for the 2024 Season, if you have any family that would like to join us- even for a weekend, have them fill out a reservation form.
We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Plattsburgh RV Store News:
Plattsburgh RV Store is OPEN! Stop by TODAY to one of our locations for ALL of your camping needs!
- Camper Sales, Parts, and Service is located at 240 Tom Miller Road, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
View the great camper deals!
Camper Tips - Compliments of Plattsburgh RV Store
- Why Choose Plattsburgh RV Store?
- The Envy of the Campground!
- Campfire Tin Foil Packet Meals
- Reasons for Fall Camping in Upstate New York
- Tips and Tricks
- Blog Articles